How To's,  Recovery

Ache or Agony?

Why do I put up with discomfort or good pain?

  • If I stopped, playing a sport or working out at the first sign of discomfort I’d probably never do any exercise.
  • What if I’d listened and meekly accepted what the surgeon told me over 60 years ago; think of all those amazing adventures and life changing experiences I would have missed! All in return for a little discomfort….
  • Discomfort due to bad weather, probably means you haven’t got the right gear on.
  • Trekking, running or rowing: a good training program will thwart a plunge into discomfort.
  • Tolerance to pain and discomfort is trainable.
  • Exposure to pain tends to increase your tolerance for pain and discomfort. 
  • Did the beatings I received as a child increase my tolerance for pain and discomfort?   NO.        Forgiveness… Never!
  • Sense of accomplishment, self-esteem and pride – blunts your memory of discomfort.
  • It’s vital to ‘listen to your body’; know when to push on and when to back off.
  • I always pushed myself and regularly step outside of my comfort zone; unless it started to feel wrong – ‘bad’ pain*!  

My personal basic ‘identification’ of bad pain > intense, sharp, stabbing, deep.

#livealifetodiefor #MoreThanMyPast #itsrogerx