My Blog

My New Vocation

I am no longer painter, there ended up being more paint on the floor, myself and the children!

I have a new vocation, as a Teacher, and have been invited around the local schools to give motivational talks about the real benefits of education, and generally discuss modern life in UK and the developed world, which stimulated lots of questions.


The Kenyan Government plays a vital role in supporting education by funding a significant portion of schooling. For instance, the government provides eight teachers, while parents actively contribute to cover the remaining two or three teachers as needed. This collaborative effort ensures the availability of adequate teaching staff, fostering a more comprehensive educational experience for students

By law, many schools supplement their income by creative means including have a dairy cow or two, growing crops (usually maize), charging small fees to locals for using water from their borehole, 50 shillings (35p) per month per household.

By Law, All kids are supposed to go to school, however, its common that Boys from poorer families work on the farm as soon as they are able starting from as young as 6 years old.

Many more boys drop out of school at the age of 10yrs to tend the families livestock; cattle, goats and chickens.

Often Girls leave school from 10 years into forced marriages; are sent to live in the husbands’ home; this practice is illegal and I am told no consummate take place.

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